The Gateway to your flow

Moving energies is the key to transforming any situation, bringing awareness, clarity, and flow into your life.

Over the past decade, I have immersed myself in the art of energy movement, allowing healing energy to flow through me while supporting others on their journeys. From visual art and performance to Reiki and theta healing, I have delved deep into the process of co-creating with life. I offer a variety of services designed to enhance your experience:

  • Energy Sessions: - You will receive energy exactly where it is needed.

    • Free of charge and available online

  • Energy Art: - Custom artwork tailored to resonate with your unique energy and environment.

    • Pricing to be discussed.

  • Flow Sessions packages: - You will learn tools to follow your flow and you can choose the area of your life where you seek more ease.

    • Available online and scroll down for more details

Basic 10 sessions

Session: 10x45min

Best time frame: 1-3 months

1x per week

Price: CHF 999

One payment: a pdf of a tailor-made art piece that supports you in this journey

I invite you on the path of unfolding how to:

  • 1 Welcome your emotions at an appropriate time to integrate them.

  • 2 Feel the difference between being in your head or in your heart

  • 3 Welcome your inner child and be the Love/Support you were looking for.

  • 4 Open yourself to the energies that will support you

These will be your tools, and you will be able to use them on your own.

Advance 20 sessions

Session: 20x45min

Best time frame: 3-6 months

1x per week

Price: CHF 1811

One payment: a pdf of a tailor-made art piece that supports you in this journey

You will learn all the tools bellow and have some deeper insides and clearing about one area of your life.

Be ready to unleash the flow and be carried by it.


  • 1 Welcome your emotions at an appropriate time to integrate them.

  • 2 Feel the difference between being in your head or in your heart

  • 3 Welcome your inner child and be the love you were looking for.

  • 4 Open yourself to the energies that will support you


Moving the energy in one area of your life through deep clearings.

The sessions will ideally happen at least 1x per week. and you are invited to try it at home. Like sport, the practice builds up your strength, so, smile and be confident in your process.